What We Do

  • Eco-speakers-singers-players
    We use music, theater, and speaking presentations to inspire people to become stewards of the Earth and encourage them in that pursuit. Click here to get in touch.
  • Switch It Up!
    On April 13, 2019, at its annual meeting, our local power cooperative, Orcas Power & Light Cooperative (OPALCO), announced the launch of the Switch it Up! program with an original song written and recorded by Irthlingz.  Click here for the announcement or here for more information on Switch It Up! The Northwest Public Power Association (NWPPA) also gave OPALCO an Excellence in Communication award (in the "Wild Card" classification) based on our song! To listen to the song in full, click here. To see the award listed in the NWPPA's document, see page 5 here.
  • The Climate Monologues
    A one-woman musical show about global climate changeSharon Abreu brings to life onstage the stories of real people in the U.S. and around the world already impacted by the effects of climate change and people working to meet and transcend this major global challenge. Their stories are communicated through their own words and through original songs that complement the stories. climatemonologues.com.  Click here for more information.
  • The Meltese Dodo
    A short history of climate change science told via a loose parody of the Humphry Bogart film, The Maltese Falcon. meltesedodo.com
  • Creating and performing environmental music and plays

    "Climate Concert"
    On April 17, 2021, Sharon and Michael (billed as "The Irthlingz Duo") sang songs of environmental healing and peace for an online "Climate Concert" organized by the People's Voice Cafe of New York City.

    "Waste Monster" Songs
    In 2019, in support of a Zero Waste Washington's "Waste Monster" program, Sharon created five songs (in English and Spanish) sung by "waste monsters" in skits in Seattle area elementary schools.

    Singing "Pied Piper"
    Sponsored by the Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival, as a "Pied Piper" in Orcas preschools and toddler centers, Sharon played classical violin pieces and led sing-alongs of such classics as "Old MacDonald" and "This Land is Your Land" (complete with sign language accompaniment). The children began using new musical vocabulary such as ENCORE! to request repeats of favorites, and practiced lstening skills as, for example, they imagined forests and chilly weather on snowy days when Sharon played "Winter" from Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons. (2013-2015)

    “The Great Climate Caper,” a 45-minute musical theatre version of the show, made its debut in Eastsound, Washington, at The Grange Stage in May 2002, performed by students at the Orcas Island Elementary and Middle Schools. Thanks to the generous support of The Celebration Foundation.

    Penguins on Thin Ice, a 45-minute musical romp that teaches about global climate change, while inspiring and offering solutions to this modern challenge. For grades 8-12.


    On May 4, 2007, ten students from the High School for Environmental Studies (HSES) in New York performed the climate change musical revue version of “Penguins on Thin Ice” at the United Nations. The performance, an official CSD side event, took place at 9:45 am in the Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium. The performance came as the CSD completed its two-year focus on air pollution, industrial development, climate change, and energy for sustainable development. Co-sponsors of the event included three of the CSD’s “Major Groups”: the Trade Union, Indigenous and Youth Major Groups, as well as the Earth Values Caucus of the UN-CSD, and the Alliance of Small Island States. There were also performances of the show at HSES on May 3 at 9 am. Thanks to the generous support of The Celebration Foundation and the Raynier Foundation.

    “Turn the World Upside Down,” a 45-minute interactive musical show that teaches about water conservation, keeping the water clean, and recycling. For grades 1-5. Has been performed in a number of public schools and at the New York Aquarium in Brooklyn, NY, under the auspices of the Brooklyn Arts Council.

  • Producing and performing in awareness-raising concerts

    For example, in 2017, they provided music for the BlueGreen Alliance “Clean and Fair Economy Summit” in Olympia, Washington, and the “War and the Environment” conference in Washington, D.C.

    Some additional events they’ve performed for include:

    • 5th World Environmental Education Congress (MontreaL, 2009)
    • U.N. World Environment Day (San Francisco, 2005)
    • World Summit on Sustainable Development (South Africa, 2002)
    • Seattle Green Festival (2010)
    • Climate Change & the West conference (Boulder, CO, 2003)
    • Network of Spiritual Progressives Conference (D.C., 2003, 2010)
    • March for Peaceful Energy (D.C., 1999)
    • Climate Change Knows No Borders rally (Peace Arch, U.S.-Canadian border) (9/14)
    • Peace Forum with Dennis Kucinich (Seattle, WA) (10/14)
  • Choir leading, choir apps

    Sharon and Michael are trained community choir leaders. In 2017, Irthlingz released the Ubuntu Choir Practice Partner, an iOS (iPhone, iPad) and Android app that allows people to practice the songs easily and effectively on their own.

  • Orcas Sustainable Living Fair

    Video. Article from the Islands Sounder

  • Producing and distributing an environmental 30-second public service announcement

    We produced “Keeping the Water Clean,” a 30-second public service announcement, thanks to the generous donation of 3ds max 5, 3d animation software from Discreet.

  • Producing and distributing video via the Internet

    In 2009, we produced “Where Is Tomorrow’s Farmer?”, a ten-minute video viewable on YouTube or here.